Our New Year's resolutions tip #2 encourages you to bring some creativity. Why not add a personal touch to each of your goals to keep things more exciting?
Customizing your experience will not only keep you motivated, but also make this year's resolutions so much more enjoyable to complete. So whatever your plan may be, personalize it with something that makes you truly happy. Whether it be buying a stylish new notebook, or finding an exercise partner you love, go for a 2017 plan that fits you!
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About SheSpeaksTV: Our videos are created by women, for women. At SheSpeaksTV, we're handing you the microphone to talk about issues that are important to you and to provide you with lifestyle tips on everything from beauty to parenting. Stay for awhile & join the conversation!
I'm customizing my goal of being healthier by not going about fitness and better eating according to the standards and practices of others, but what is safe, comfortable, enjoyable, and beneficial for ME!
I customized my New Year's resolutions out of necessity! I wanted to improve my mental health, so I've made efforts to embrace "No" as an answer and getting out any chance I get, I must take it. I have put my resolutions down with open time frames, but still dated so I follow SMART goals.
Mine would probably be that this New year I put down cigarettes finally. But I added the Challange which I think helps and makes it more "me" because it is to drink water 5 bottles daily which helps flush out thise toxins. Also I am writing 10 things grateful for and/or doing for someone else. This always makes me feel good and goes along with NewYR quiting as instead of going through it and being moody it keeps me focused on my many blessings and keeps me grateful!