The Standing Desk Is Not Just Good For Your Health, But Good For Your Work Too!

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Jun 13, 2016

Maybe you’ve heard the line, “sitting is the new smoking”. In recent years, we’ve all been enlightened to the new research that suggests a sedentary lifestyle can put you at a much greater risk of health problems. For office workers who spend most of their lives sitting in front of a computer, this news has led to many people getting creative with how to keep moving at work.

The standing desk was one of the trends some have turned to reduce the amount of time they sit at work and has been shown to burn calories and lessen back and neck pain. But now CNN reports about a new study published in the journal IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors that finds standing desks may also boost productivity in workers.  This type of desk allows the user to choose whether they want to sit and work or be in a standing position, they can also change these positions throughout the day.

Researchers involved in the study found that employees who work for a call center at a pharmaceutical company became almost 50% more productive over a half year period when they were using standing desks. The employees who used the standing desks were able to hold on to more clients for the company and deliver important work-related information.

One of the authors of the study, Adam Pickens, explains what this means for companies who are toying with the idea of adding standing desks to their offices. Pickens explains, “This is actually very encouraging. ... If an individual is trying to sell [standing desks] to an employer, they can look at this study.” Employers can be tempted by both health benefits for their workers as well as a possible increase in overall productivity, a win-win for everyone.

What do you think about the new study that suggests the standing desk can lead to more productivity in the workplace?

Would you want to try out a standing desk in the workplace?

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MsVickyB by MsVickyB | GLEN BURNIE, MD
Jul 20, 2016

I would not want to stand on my feet all day. We have desks at my job that you can adjust so you can stand and do your work, it may be a good idea to some but it will be not for me.

astample by astample | Chicago, IL
Jun 15, 2016

I think this a great idea. Recently I have had the opportunity to stand more at work. At first it was actually painful standing for hour working on the computer but after awhile I felt that the impact on my back was favorable.