Tammilee’s Tips was started in 2009 when Tammilee Tillison left her corporate job and had a lot of time on her hands. Over time, the blog grew from friends and family reading the blog to now over 400K people reading the blog each month. She and her husband transitioned from sharing how they were living on one income to really sharing living life to the fullest.
Both Tammilee and John write for the blog and share their perspectives on travel, food and life. They want to show that travel does not have to be a one sided decision. They don’t always agree on what they are going to do while they are traveling, but in the end they always balance each other out to see as much as they possibly can.
We wanted to find out more about Tammilee, and here is what we found out, in her own words.
Where you can find me: Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - Pinterest
I live in… Spokane, Washington when I am not traveling
My niche is…Living life to the fullest
I write when… I can!
How has blogging changed my life... In so many ways it is hard to put into words. My life has been completely changed for the better with blogging.
A brand you have loved working with... Carnival Cruise Line
When did I start blogging... 2009
How I see the future of blogging/social media... The future is so bright we need to wear shades. I think the future of blogging is evolving but it is getting better by the day.
Where I work... In my home office, on a plane, on my phone, pretty much everywhere
I am connected… All the time!
When I’m stressed, I… Drink way to much chai tea and sing Taylor Shift Shake It Off at the top of my lungs.
My favorite gadget is… A tie between my phone and my DSLR.
My favorite travel destination is… Depends on the day! Some days it is a tropical beach other days it is exploring a new country.
My favorite clothing brand is…Whatever is comfy and looks cute
I do all my shopping… Online, Amazon Addict!
My favorite TV shows... Bachelor/Bachelorette shows
My favorite movie... I don’t know that I have one.
Coffee or tea... Chai Tea… Every day, all day
I love… My amazing and wonderful husband John
I dream about… Traveling, living life to the fullest, inspiring others to live their dreams
What else I do... Drink too much tea, work a lot, and sing badly
Causes I've worked with and made a difference via blogging about... Hopefully my blogging story has inspired others to live their dreams and push themselves to try new things and reach for their goals.