Lisa Stauffer is a a mid-life mother who works for her two daughters otherwise known as a stay-at-home mom. Her family grew with the entrustment of each of her daughters and their birth families.
She's a blogger sharing first her journey to parenthood, and subsequently her life today, which includes living with peri-menopausal symptoms and raising two girls who are currently pre-adolescent with all the daily trials and tribulations of a wonderful family life. She's a one a day coffee drinker, and at least one a day wine drinker. She blogs over at Squared Mommy.
We wanted to get to know Lisa better, and here is what we found out, in her own words:
Where you can find me: Twitter - Pinterest
I live in….The San Francisco Area.
My niche is…Writing about our journey and life as parents through open adoption and me on my personal journey of menopause and being a mid-life mother of young children.
I write when…..I can’t get the thoughts out of my head and I try to hold off for when my girls are at school sometimes at night when they are asleep.
How has blogging changed my life: I began blogging during the early stages of our journey to parenthood through adoption just for family and friends on a private blog. I came out publicly to share our story as a family living in open adoptions and raising our girls as such as well as my personal journey as a mid-life mother.
A brand I have loved working with: I haven’t had any interactions with brands as yet.
When did I start blogging: In May of 2006.
How I see the future of blogging/social media: I have found a wonderful community through blogging and other aspects of social media and I see it’s future of allowing these communities to bond and flourish.
Where I work: I am a stay-at-home Mom.
I do all my shopping….Online, I am a HUGE fan of amazon, but I love the kids clothing sites too!
My favorite TV shows: Currently I am a big fan of American Crime, Scandal and Revenge.
My favorite movie: All time favorite, “When Harry Met Sally”.
Coffee or tea: Coffee every morning, green jasmine tea sometimes.
I love…. My family, reading, being out of doors.
I dream about…. Traveling the world with my family.
What else I do: As stay-at-home mom I am very involved with my girls’ school as a volunteer in their classrooms, as a girl scout leader and more.