Spotlight on SheSpeaks Blogger - Laura (Lolli) Franklin of Better in Bulk
Laura (Lolli) Franklin is a Washington DC-area mom of 5 teen and pre-teen kids who is just as busy as you might guess. When Laura was in elementary school, her dream was to be a mom and a writer. She never anticipated that she'd fulfill that dream so literally as a lifestyle/family blogger. Her blog, Better in Bulk, is her creative escape, her social circle, and now her full time job. She enjoys sharing recipes she has cooked for her family, parenting tips, and family-friendly products and entertainment information. When she's not managing a full editorial calendar for her blog, juggling piano lessons and team sports or keeping the house running smoothly, Laura enjoys relaxing with a good book, yarn and a crochet hook, or her camera. We caught up with her to find out more about her life and here is what we found out, in her own words.
I live in… The Washington DC area.
My niche is… Family and food.
When I started blogging… I launched my blog in October 2007.
Where I work: At a desk in my bedroom.
I write… When I’m awake (i.e. – all the time!).
I am connected most of the time…Via computer or cell phone or iPad. I just wish I had a laptop, too. That’s probably bad of me.
How has blogging changed my life? Blogging has made me more sociable than I have ever been (I’ve always been very shy and reserved). It has also given me opportunities and experiences that I never dreamed of being able to do. I have a larger circle of friends than I’ve ever had and feel fulfilled daily – both socially and creatively.
How I see the future of blogging/social media: Honestly, I’m not sure. Blogging has been evolving so quickly during the time I’ve been involved that I can’t even imagine how it will change in another year or two years.
When I’m stressed…I can’t concentrate on anything, so I end up getting a headache and eating chocolate.
My favorite gadget is …My iPad. I would like my phone more if it worked a little more regularly.
My favorite travel destination is… Florida. Luckily, my in-laws live near the beach!
A brand I have loved working with? I have loved working with so many brands, but one that stands out is Adobe. They contacted me when I was a much smaller blogger and made such an impression on me!
My favorite clothing brand is… Cheap and in my size. I’ve never cared for brand names, though I have a good eye for quality at the thrift store.
I do all my shopping… At the thrift store. I got the thrift store gene directly from my grandma. It’s literally in my blood.
My favorite TV shows: Call the Midwife, Sherlock, Veronica Mars, Doctor Who.
My favorite movie: I have no idea. It depends on my mood.
Coffee or tea: Neither! How about Coke Zero?
I love….My kids (all 5 of them), reading (which I don’t make enough time to do), and good food (especially good food I didn’t have to prepare).
I dream about…Having enough time to sleep as many hours as I’d like, having enough money to eat lunch out as often as possible and not have to worry about bills, and eating chocolate on beautiful, sunny beaches somewhere.
Where you can find my writing: I’ve written for many sites, including P&G Everyday, Home Made Simple, Famous Footwear, 5 Minutes for Mom, Alomune and more.
What else I do: I have also run a small photography business on the side for many years, though this year I’ve put the photography business on hold because my blog is keeping me plenty busy.