Jennifer Wright is the Publisher of Stylishly Social and is based in San Diego, CA with her husband of 16 years and their two children, ages 3 and 7. Jennifer loves travel, wine, trying new restaurants and is obsessed with beauty products. She also freelances in social media management and has helped numerous local businesses establish their social media presence.
We recently sat down with Jennifer to find out about her and her life, and this is what we found out, in her own words.
$PullQuote$Where you can find me: Twitter - Facebook - Google + - YouTube - Instagram - Pinterest
I live in….Sunny San Diego, CA.
My niche is…Health & beauty, with an emphasis on skincare.
I write when…..I have a rare moment without kids in the house! Mornings are my favorite time to write.
How has blogging changed my life: Blogging has helped me to be able to stay at home with my 2 kids versus working full-time like I used to. I am so thankful for this time with them while they are young!
A brand I have loved working with? Two of my recent faves have been Estee Lauder and Farm Fresh To You.
When did I start blogging: Shortly after my son was born in 2008, but I didn’t get serious with it until a couple of years ago when I was forced to leave my full-time pharmaceutical career due to pain from a back injury.
How I see the future of blogging/social media: I think blogging and social media are both becoming a major form of advertising for many brands and I only see that increasing. I think the opportunities for bloggers and social media influencers will continue to grow, but so will the competition!
Where I work: On my couch!
I am connected….All the time. I probably need a support group.
When I’m stressed, I…..Help myself to an extra glass of wine. Ok, maybe two.
My favorite gadget is….My Samsung Galaxy phone, although it’s almost time to upgrade!
My favorite travel destination is….Jamaica for a big vacation , Vegas for a weekend getaway.
My favorite clothing brand is…Whatever flatters me! I tend to like Michael Kors and LOFT the most.
I do all my shopping….Online, I love the convenience.
My favorite TV shows: Jimmy Fallon and SNL, I love to laugh! I watch Big Brother when it’s on too, I get hooked every year.
My favorite movie: I loved Divergent, but my all-time faves are Dirty Dancing and Top Gun.
Coffee or tea: C-O-F-F-E-E!
I love….My family. I can’t imagine life without my crazy cute kids, they bring a smile to my face every single day.
I dream about….Winning the lottery and buying a log home in Lake Tahoe. One day!
Where you can find my writing: Aside from my blog Stylishly Social, I also write for Hometown Tourist and hopefully more to come!
What else I do: I’m a Glambassador for Glamour Magazine, a Green Moms Meet Ambassador, I volunteer at my son’s school, participate in Little League, I’m a momager for my 3-year old budding model, basically I don’t like being bored!
My latest She Speaks post: Pantene Platinum Color Lock
Causes I've worked with and made a difference via blogging about: I’ve really enjoyed writing about healthy improvements I’ve made in my life and seeing how many others feel inspired to do the same. I’ve written about things like trying acupuncture for chronic pain, taking up juice cleansing to fight cravings and ordering local organic produce from a farm every week. So many others have benefitted from my sharing my experience with all of these and it’s great!
I loved reading your story because you are able to make a living Blogging so that your schedule is more flexible. I'm not quite there but I feel like I'm getting closer. When I am not blogging and sharing my personal and professional experiences while creating brand awareness, I feel like something is missing.