Crystal Regan is the owner of the popular parenting blog, Simply Being Mommy, a blog that provides valuable resources to moms (and dads) in the form of quick and easy, family-friendly recipes, family-friendly travel recommendations, DIY crafts and more. From Small Town, Texas, Crystal is a work-at-home and homeschooling mom who loves her family, traveling the world, chocolate and Diet Coke.
Crystal has been a member of our community since 2009. We wanted to find out more about Crystal, and here is what we found out, in her own words.
Where you can find me on social media: Twitter - Facebook - Pinterest - Instagram
I live in…. Small Town, Texas.
My niche is… Parenting / food.
I write when… I’m in between science and history lessons. I’m in my first year of homeschooling my oldest.
How has blogging changed my life: Blogging has given me many opportunities to travel the world and it also provides an extra stream of income while still being able to be home for my children.
A brand you have loved working with? Disney.
When did I start blogging? In March of 2009.
I am connected… Everywhere. My iPhone is never out of reach.
When I’m stressed, I… Grab for a cold Diet Coke and chocolate. Dove is my favorite.
My favorite gadget is… My iPhone, of course!
My favorite travel destination is… France. Can’t wait to go back.
My favorite clothing brand is… Oh, wow. Hard question. I don’t really have a favorite brand. Just anything that fits my freakishly long legs.
I do all my shopping… Mostly online for the family. For me, it’s in-store.
My favorite TV shows: Anything reality TV, well almost anything. I don’t do trashy reality shows. But my favorites are Survivor and Big Brother.
My favorite movie: Like favorite of all time or my favorite right now? Hmmm. Favorite of all time is Dirty Dancing. Don’t tell my children though.
Coffee or tea: Hands down – coffee!
I love… My family, traveling, chocolate, and Jesus!
I dream about… Everything! Most of which cannot be repeated. Just kidding. But really, I dream every night and they’re always so random.
What else I do: I’m a homeschool mom, Praise & Worship Leader, wife of a Children’s Pastor & Little League Baseball Coach, chauffeur for three little ones, and bento lunch maker.
Causes you've worked with and made a difference via blogging about: Through blogging and the relationships I’ve made with brands and PR agencies, I’ve been able to work on many child hunger campaigns and make a difference in the community around me. Between supporting the local food bank with volunteering and brand donations, I’m honored to be able to speak on behalf of these children to promote awareness of this silent epidemic that plagues every community.