My boys (4 and 8) like this book but LOVE the cd that comes with it and have since they first heard it (before my youngest was born). The music is fun, upbeat, and different. The songs are very catchy so they will get stuck in your head :/ I would definitely recommend it to anyone with small children.
great book....... silly and sooo cute!!!!! love all of these!
This is one of my favorite gifts for kids. Everyone loves Sandra Boynton books, but her cds are perhaps even more fun. Philadelphia Chickens is a spoof on a musical review and it is funny. Famous people sing the songs, like Meryl Streep, Laura Linney and Eric Sotlz. We also love Dog Train, which is a spoof on Rock n Roll music. My 4 year old son loves the music, though my husband and I may enjoy it even more - so much better than most of the kiddie music out there!