Presto FryDaddy Electic Deep Fryer

Presto FryDaddy Electic Deep Fryer

              Rated #53 in Kitchen Appliances
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4 Reviews 4.8/5 stars
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Makes the best french fries! I've been using this for years and years. There's no comparison to french fries made in this deep fryer.

Awesome! I love my FryDaddy! Its so quick. I dont use a frying pan. Havent in years.

I have tried many different fryers and I have recently come back to the Fry Daddy. The other fancy fryers would overheat and burn out the heating element. The Fry Daddy is simple and easy to fry foods. It is also easy to change the oil and clean.

I have lots of different kitchen gadgets(mostly really cheap) because I absolutely love to cook.I cook anything,everything,and am not scared to experiment with food.One of my favorite gadgets is my Presto Fry daddy.I absolutely love this product.Its little,easy to store,convenient, and just easy to use.I use this fryer to make home-made chips,fry shrimp,fry fish,and other foods.I have never had anything burn in it as I do when I use a skillet to fry things.Its just all around a great product for my family and I.