I've been doing the 100 Day Reality Challenge for over 4 years. The 100 Day Reality Challenge is a way for people who believe or stumbled upon The Secret (Law of Attraction). For me, this isn't about the Law of Attraction. You can believe in anything you want, but this is about using the practices they suggest to help you to accomplish your goals or intentions in 100 days.
The first couple of seasons were very eye opening. They helped me figure out what I truly desire. What my real passion is. And what may or may not be my purpose in life. What is your purpose in life? Not many people know this and I, personally don't expect you to know this. I don't even know what my purpose is in life. But the best way to figure it is out is, "Love what you do, do what you love." I love being around other people and talking. That's just is just my personality. I love helping others and making sure their frown turns into a smile. Working in the grocery store helped me realize what I love doing. This helped me determine to go back to school to help someone whether it be a teacher, therapist, or life coach.
This challenge for me is very different. I can't explain how this one is different, but I guess you can say its a real challenge for me. I'm going out my comfort zone and changing my daily habits so I can accomplish or promote good habits. Some of these habits will come easy for me since I've been doing them for a while now. Others will be a little difficult.
Personal Growth:
My vision board. Visionboards help you stay focus and visualize your goals and intentions. I made my online and since I'm usually on my phone or the computer. This is my wallpaper so I can see it all the time. When an affirmation or picture captures my eye. I take a moment to visualize having this already in my life.
My business group took a morning to do vision boards. At first the ladies sort of didn't like the idea, then the magazines came out, they played The Secret quietly in the back ground, passing glue and scissors. After about 30 min, everyone's idea of the task had changed and it became quiet relaxing and fun, to see everyone's ideas and share stories. The best comment I heard at the end of the day from one woman was... it got me to dream again, I'd forgotten how. Thanks for posting your journey.