This is stupid. All I ever did was watch those skinny ass people work out. What they shoulda done is put some fat people in that video so it could motivate me to struggle with them. Instead u seen some already skinny botches doing some hard ass workouts. Definitely would not recommend if you're not 80lbs
You have to spend a little more... This is a great program IF you are able to also buy dumbbells, a bench and a pull-up bar. It's a financial commitment. I now know of other programs that are better. It will kick your hiney.
great program. yoga was too long for me though! 1.5 hours!!
the program is good. but i get bored easy and that was the case with this. i felt like the video was a little corney at times but it is challenging and will get you fit if you follow exactly what they say. some of the videos in the program are a little longer than i like to do, i like to keep my workout to 60 mins or less.
This program really works if you work hard at it and follow the program. You don't have to use their products, but if you follow the videos and the basic diet plan, you will see your results. This isn't an easy workout, you will struggle! But it is totally worth it.
My husband has used this and it really works!
Great workout requires discipline but the results are fantastic
This program is incredible. You have to be truly willing to stick to it. I remember being excited to get to the Yoga day because I thought it was going to be a nice relaxing day but I was so wrong. I really like all the options it has. Including the meals is always a good thing. I would steer clear from their shakes and other products though. If you do your research you can find a lot better quality for half the price. Do not be fooled either, their protein shakes may taste good but if you look at the actual protein content versus the calories, sugars, etc; it really is not worth it. The week to week program is good if you are willing to be sore for the next 90 days. It sounds to good when you first see it and then you try it. You quickly realize you are working for those results. I feel if you are someone who is honestly looking for a quick 1 hour/day workout that gives results, this is a good choice.
I have just gotten started. Have physical limitations so I more than likely won't be able to do the complete system, but the stretching dvd is great! I can really feel it, actually break a slight sweat, and feel challenged and refreshed. I also end the session with a great feeling of success. I hope to pick up the pace and reach my goal by my birthday. Wish me luck. Its a great program and I don't feel it will kill me in the process.
This program is very difficult but definitely WORKS! My husband had a HUGE transformation in just even 2 weeks..but once he hit the 30 day mark..I had cut him off he looked so good! For me, I cant do as much with it as I'd like cuz of two back surgeries! BUMMER! But I'd give this program 2 thumbs up!
This is a great workout and I would recommend it to everyone, and i would make sure to let them know it is very challenging but well worth it!
i love these workouts. I did them faithfully for the 10 wks but I did not follow the diet program as much nor did the best job at keeping track of my weights. I was definitely challenged, I improved my fitness level, and I increased my muscle mass. It's been 1.5 yrs since I completed the program and now I just do a dvd here and there. They are great to pop in when you need a workout and when you are traveling, it's worth your money.
If you want an extremem intense work out then this is the system for you. It works
I have been doing this program for two weeks now and its very hard but the results are worth it. i can not do everything but I try to do my best. I have noticed that the belly has went down some but i haven't weighed myself, I'm waiting to have a month in first.
I followed a very healthy diet while following every day. Not only did I lose weight, but I toned my muscles and feel better than I have in my entire life.