Nice pick me up on a snowy day. Keep a few in my desk at work to switch up from coffee. 😊👍🏻💜
This tastes so good love it!
I really enjoyed this coffee. It's convenient and quick to make! Wish I could still find it in stores.
Did not like these at all. I got them in a sample pack that the company directly sent out (not SheSpeaks but rather the Nescafe facebook fan page). The rest of the samples were loved by me and my husband, and he thought I would love this because peppermint coffeees, teas, and cocoas are my faves...but no! I hated this flavor! It was to artificial tasting and had a really gross aftertaste! I would not recommend this particular flavor to anyone! The other regular coffee packets were good!
This one was better than the other kinds, but still just not what I was hoping for. It was also impossible to find, I only tried it because they sent me a sample. I am still on the search for a tasty instant coffee that is cheaper than Starbucks!
I LOVE this and it's much cheaper and healthier than getting them at Starbucks. I just wish it was easier to find.
YUM YUM :) love this
Awful! All tasters choice products are watery. It first has a great taste but after the first couple of sips, your mouth tingles from the mint and the feeling travels to your stomach. Starbucks is much better because it actually tastes like brewed coffee. The other Tasters Choice coffees would be fine it I didn't have to use one and a half pacts for 8 ounces of water.
One of the best mochas that you can buy. It's rich, sweet, minty and easy to make. The peppermint mocha comes in a small box with 20 "sticks" that you just grab and go. The directions call to make it with water but I like to make it in my West Bend Mocha Latte Machine with coconut milk or water, hershey syrup and with or without creamer to thicken it up. It's good anyway you make it. I found my package of peppermint mocha sticks at HyVee on one of the end caps. It's a limited edition so you'll want to purchase several boxes for yourself to use all winter or for gifts.