A new study suggests that Millennial moms may have an easier time in the workplace since their generation is the most supportive of parents with careers and kids. Over the course of the last several decades, acceptance and support of working moms has never been as popular as it is today with the current generation.
Time reports about the study published in the Psychology of Women Quarterly that suggests the majority of the Millennial generation believes working moms are not depriving their children of anything by going to work and can have just as close of a relationship whether they worked or stayed home. This has not been the case in previous generations that felt children suffered if their mothers went to work.
In 2010, only 22% of high school seniors felt that children suffered the consequence when their moms worked which was down by more than 10% from the 1990’s. Researchers believe that the reason for the change of attitude is due to the shift in economic realities over the last 3 decades. More households rely on both parents working and there are many more single moms supporting their families than ever before.
One of the lead researchers involved in the study Jean Twenge explains how times have changed. Twenge says, “When you have more working mothers, you have to have more acceptance of them. When people look around and see ‘this is what people do now,’ you have to have more acceptance.” Whether or not the added support of the Millennial generation will quell working mom’s guilt is yet to be determined.
What do you think of the study that suggests the Millennial generation is more supportive of working moms?
Do you think this will make it easier for moms in the workplace?