It seems many high school age girls are choosing beauty over health when it comes to weighing the risks and dangers of tanning beds. A new Center for Disease Control and Prevention study finds that close to 30% of white teenage girls are using tanning beds more than once a year. This type of use is known to greatly increase the risk of developing skin cancer later in life.
The New York Daily News cites an earlier study from the CDC that found indoor tanning before the age of 35 increases melanoma risk by 59% to 75%. Even more shocking; findings about tanning bed “use before the age of 25 increases nonmelanoma skin cancer risk by 40% to 102%.”
Many young women may feel they will use tanning beds just one time to prepare for a special occasion. But after trying it once and being satisfied with the outcome they will try it again. The CDC reports that the increase of melanoma risk increases by 1.8% with each subsequent use of tanning beds.
Whether teenage girls are ignoring the findings in favor of sun-kissed looking skin or unaware of the dangers of tanning beds, the CDC warns of the ongoing dangers. The recent study states, “This widespread use is of great concern given the elevated risk of skin cancer among younger users and frequent users.”
What do you think of the current study finding that close to 30% of white high school age girls use tanning beds more than once a year?
Do you or your daughters still use tanning beds despite skin cancer risks?
My mom has skin cancer, so I'm sure to always stay away from tanning beds and always use sunblock on me and my kids when we are out in the sun for long periods of time.