Works well if you use the right litter This is the second one i have had over the years. We currently have 3 cats and on that is blind. None of them are bothered by the noise and it handles the clean up very well. We put grocer bags in the container to make it very easy to grab it when full and throw it away. The trick to this litter box is the right litter. Regular litter with dust gets in the motor and the tracks, makes it hard to scoop . I use corn cob litter when is cheaper and is recommended for the machine. Less tracking, absorbs better, and doesn't make the motor work and get so loud trying to scoop it. As long as you pair it with the recommended litter which now a days is corn cob or walnut it works fantastically.
Doesn't work well I have had this for about 6 months. It works well when it works, but litter gets stuck in it and it makes an awful loud noise and doesn't finish cleaning. I will be looking for a new litter box.
I have 4 cats these machines are only good if u have 1 cat only do not buy the noise scares the cats bottom line though only buy if u have 1 cat
I just recieved a used model, as we adopted a cat from a family and all her supplies came with her. We have other cats and have always just used the regular littler pans that we clean. I am not sure what is wrong with this new pan, but when I turned it on, it did a sweep and quit. Then one of the cats used the litter pan, and when the pan started its cleaning process, it never quit!! I had to shut it off, because it went on and on for over 5 minutes. I am not sure what to do about it? Any suggestions and the pan never came with any instructions.
Im shocked to read all the other bad reviews on this too. I bought this for my 2 cats and it was horrible !!! After 2 days of using it the pad weighed about 50 pounds and seeped through 2 trash bags when I was changing it, and I didnt know, and figured it out when I could not figure out which cat I "thought" must have urinated on something in my kitchen. I realized after smelling around for an hour that it was right where I put the trash bag and have been using any and everything to get the smell out. The pads definatly do not last a week. With 2 cats maybe a day at best and that was pushing it. I hated it !! :o(
I just recieved a used model, as we adopted a cat from a family and all her supplies came with her. We have other cats and have always just used the regular littler pans that we clean. I am not sure what is wrong with this new pan, but when I turned it on, it did a sweep and quit. Then one of the cats used the litter pan, and when the pan started its cleaning process, it never quit!! I had to shut it off, because it went on and on for over 5 minutes. I am not sure what to do about it? Any suggestions and the pan never came with any instructions.
I've always had the basic model, just 1 kitty here. The plus is just a larger version of the basic. You can mod a LitterMaid, see for ideas. Cat poohs in the far corner by the rake? Tape a plastic coat hanger over top of box, a few inches out from the rake. Cat now can't hit the corner anymore. Use grocery bags to line the bins. If you elevate box (I put mine on a modified resin patio end table (cut the legs down with a saw), and cut out the bottom of the bin, then put a dishpan underneath, you can fill a grocery bag up. I can go up to 2 weeks without changing the bag with 1 cat. My only problem with LM, is the infrared sensor fails, so you have to manually operate the box. Newer LN models come with a sifting scoop that had prongs for removing stuff that gets caught in the tines, and a track cleaning brush. I may use these maintenance tools about once a week. I typically use Clorox brand litters (ScoopAway and Fresh Step), and have few issues.
I couldn't wait to purchase one of these. I thought these were the greatest invention EVER. I was wrong. I was embarrased to, but I DID return it to the store. It was loud and scared my cat into NOT using it. (Maybe if you had a young kitten that would be trained to accept the change in boxes?) It was messy, and the little clumps would clog the comb. The door over the recepticle would never close on it's own. It was also pretty expensive for all of the problems that I had with it.
We travel frequently and needed something that was automatic to keep my kitty peeing and pooping in the right places while we are away. I love the concept of this thing, but would love it sooo much more if it WORKED! Each time we spent almost $100 to invest in these and they broke within 18 months! Beyond repair! The first time, I figured I just got a dud, but after the second time so we just used it like a regular cat pain until I was sick of it taking up so much space. I am really disappointed with the product. It seems that it's just not reliable enough for the cost.