It’s that time of year again, time to raise awareness about the benefits of breastfeeding. More than 120 countries take part in WIC sponsored World Breastfeeding Week each year. Here in the states we recognize August 1 ? 7 as Breastfeeding Awareness Week.
In honor of the cause, people all over the country take part in special events like organized walks and celebrations. In celebration of World Breastfeeding Week this year, organizers around the world are attempting to join women together to establish a new Guinness World Record for large synchronized groups of mothers breastfeeding their babies.
The World Breastfeeding Week organization’s message this year is to “save one million babies beginning with one action, one hour support and one message.” The Breastfeeding Week Organization says that breastfeeding a baby in the first hour of life is the first step in greatly reducing infant mortality rates.
The need for breastfeeding awareness becomes very apparent when you look at cases like Lass King’s experience inside a New York City store last August. While discreetly breastfeeding her eight-week-old son inside a Fossil Inc. store she was asked by a security guard to leave and not come back.
Feeling embarrassed and humiliated from the incident she decided to take it up in court and won. Last month, the New York Civil Liberties Union announced King’s win against the Fossil Inc. store.
Though Lass King’s victory is a victory for all breastfeeding mothers, the truth of the matter is that incidents like this happen to women every day and rarely are reported. Events that occur during Breast Feeding Awareness Week attempt to remind the public that breastfeeding is a natural and vital way for mothers to nourish their babies.
What do you think of the events taking place during Breastfeeding Awareness Week?
Do you think Breastfeeding Awareness Week can change the way people think about breastfeeding?
I have breastfed all of my kids. I will be breastfeeding my baby girl due in December 2009 also. IT is the best thing I can do for her.
I have three children and I didn't breastfeed any of them....I don't believe that one is better than the other. There is so much nutritional value in formula these days..I don't see a problem with it. Breast feeding is not for everyone. As for bonding, any mother who nurishes,loves,and comforts her child is going to bond with their child. With that being said, I do think breast feeding is a wonderful natural occurance if that is what you want to do and people should be able to make their discission without being frowned upon. Everyone has different outlooks on everything in life and no one should be judging the other. The only thing I do not like is when a mother is breast feeding her child in public and everything is on display for the world to see...I feel that you should be a little more discreet.
I am a mother of 2 and I am proud to say I had the privledge to be able to BF both of them. I knew of the health benfits, but I will say I also wanted to because of monetary issues. I BF my son for 15 months and my daughter and I are just shy of the 9 mo mark and going strong. Although I support BF, I will say that I also am not a "boob warden" and frown on the mothers that formula feed. I think that every capable woman should try it, but if it does not work then why risk the health of the child and bring on the formula. I think my generation see both the health and bonding benfits of BF and I hope to see the trend continue.
As far as BF in public and if front of others, it was so hard for me to do it my first time with my son (7 years ago), but I always keep in mind. God did not give me these boobs for decoration! I do cover up, but if someone has an issue with it then don't look or leave. My baby is hungry and I will feed her.
My years of life have taken me right through the middle of the breast fed brigade. When my first child was born, natural child birth was just coming into its own and the return to breast feeding was for the importance of baby nutrition more than the lack time and money. My second child was a later in life surprise and the field of expression and experience was wide open. I breast fed my son until he was 4. My surprise was how much I had forgotten between baby one and baby two. Which is why I find it so disturbing that young first time mothers are being sent home after child birth within 24-48 hours. My second child cried in the hospital room for 30 minutes before it suddenly dawned on me the diaper thing needed checking. Breast feeding takes a whole lot more thought and patience than a bonk on the head about a possible diaper change. Babies are returning to hospitals due to dehydration and infections that most certainly might have been avoided with some one on one with a seasoned mom. While praising those women who stand firm for breast feeding, we need to consider those who need our experiences and support. Public forums are great. Then so would forums in hospitals with local moms of breast fed children.
I breastfed by first baby until he was 1 and I am currently breastfeeding my 6 month old. I do wish I felt that I had more freedom to NIP. I think the Guniess Book of World Record Event will help people who think it is wrong to NIP see that there are many women who do it. I think it will also help many nursing mothers who are afraid actually see they are not alone.
I had this great post all typed out I and then I was signed out before it posted.
In a shorter form:
People don't need to know there there is breastfeeding because they already know. People do need to know the facts about breastfeeding.
A synchronized "nurse off" isn't saying anything but people nurse and you need to know about it.
I'd focus more on educating the reasons why to nurse.
I breastfed my son and was proud of it. But, a mass demonstration is just humorous. It is shameful for someone to disregard a mother's ability to nurture her young, but this demonstration is like whipping it out and saying, 'Ha! in your face!" Promoting and educating our communities in a more fashionable light may be more approving for some.
I am a mother of 7 month old daughter and I do believe in the importance of breast feeding for your child and even to you as a mother. Unfortunately, things did not go as I planned with my baby. She never latched on and after one month of non-stop trying to breast feed her, I decided to exclusively use breast pump and provide her breastmilk that way. It could last for upto 6 months only as I developed engourgement problems due to breastpump use. But I was very happy to be able to go as far as 6 months. As this is a global event, organization should educate women like us who are willing to but can not breastfeed for various reasons, what are the alternate ways we can try. Also promote availability of good breast pumps in developing countries.
Breast feeding is great-I did it years ago. It is possible to discreetly breast feed in most situations, but I have many times seen it done indiscreetly, almost as the mother wants to be noticed and this is almost offensive to me. When an infant is old enough to to keep raising their head up and looking around, there shouldn't be that many situations where breast feeding must be done in public. I did recently witness a friend of my husband's become very uncomfortable when my d-i-l was breast feeding in my home, so that he left the room. Even in this situation, I felt she should have been a little more considerate of other people's feelings and gone into a room with all women or the very comfortable library, or other empty rooms. The baby would have been less distracted and she would have only been away from the conversation for 10 or 15 minutes. I'm a nurse, and in my experience, every young mother gets positive encouragement and help in the healthcare setting if they are open to accepting it, and to be the Guiness World Record event seems to be something that many people would find ridiculous and laughable instead of promoting the cause.
I actually think that the Guiness World Record event is an excellent way to encourage more mothers to breastfeed. There are so many young mothers out there who are embarassed to take on the task of breastfeeding with older women being scornful about it. I am 32 and my husband and I went through In-Vitro fertilization so we could have our 3rd child. When my own mother found out I was going to breastfeed she discouraged it. I think this is a great way to give upcoming mothers the confidence the need to at least consider it. If they consider it they will educate themselves about it.
Public service announcements and educating the public would be better yes, but it is almost impossible to do them because breastfeeding is not a money making business. Very convincing public service announcements were made (similar to those about the dangers of second hand smoke),but never got aired because the companies that make formula fought it.
Education, encouragement and continued support, one mother at a time, is the best way to increase breastfeeding rates. I hope that Breastfeeding Awareness Week can help a mother feel some encouragement to continue. If she knows she is not alone it could give her the confidence she needs to fight off those negative comments, advice, etc.
I breastfed my son for 9 months and he was ready to give it up more than I was. I miss it and am s glad that I gave him the best start to life. I try to encourage all pregnant women to nurse and give my support to those that do. I agree that the best way is to spread the word and educate!
I agree with sharman421. I think there are a lot of people who are not informed about the benefits of breastfeeding. I think people from different times thought different things of breastfeeding too, and they need to be re-educated, for example, women that went through woman's rights. I had one women tell me the other day I needed to stop "doing that" by now when she saw me breastfeeding my 10 month old son. It made me smile and remember even women do not fully understand what breastfeeding can do for babies.
I agree with you sharman421. We don't need a mass display of breastfeeding to get the word out. Once again, it's a matter of educating the culture.