Kacy Catanzaro is America's Newest Ninja Warrior Finalist - and She's Amazing!

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Jul 17, 2014

Kacy Catanzaro just became the first woman to compete an extremely difficult physical obstacle course on the competition sports show "American Ninja Warrior," catapulting her into Ninja Warrior status and the show's finals.

The five-foot former Towson University and NCAA Southeast Regional Gymnast recently endured a severely challenging obstacle course that required her to leap through the air. It qualified her as the first woman ever to make it through the Dallas finals and qualify for the Las Vegas finals round. Check out her big moment (it lasts around nine minutes) in the video below. It will boggle your mind.

Catanzaro trained for two years. She recently told Vulture that her height worked to her advantage:

$PullQuote$It definitely goes both ways. I would say that my weight is an advantage because I’m light, so I don’t have to hold up as much weight, but I think that my height and my size is definitely a disadvantage because my arms are a lot shorter when it comes to reaching things, my legs are a lot shorter when it comes to jumping to things, stuff like that. Obviously, I’ve been on the shorter side my whole life, so I just know that sometimes I need to make adjustments and find my own way to do it.

Catanzaro recently talked to Vulture about why she doesn't think a woman has made it this far to date and said:

Well, there obviously aren’t as many women that do the show. I think that has a lot to do with it — that women haven’t really been inclined to try out because they don’t think it’s for them. And also just the fact that no woman has done it, it makes it feel unreachable to some women. You know, like, oh, no woman’s ever done it so obviously I can’t do it. Instead of thinking, no woman’s ever done it, I want to be the one to do it, which is the attitude that I took.

What do you think of the first woman to ever complete the American Ninja Course?

The show airs Mondays nights on NBC and Tuesdays on the Esquire Network.

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Majicgirl553 by Majicgirl553 | Cape Coral, FL
Aug 09, 2014

She's terrific. Hope she goes all the way. Such an inspiration.