This was also not a book I would have picked out myself. But I really enjoyed it. She showed a lot a strength during the death of her husband and all that involved. She helped her daughter deal with it and that is a hard thing to do. A very good book.
This is not a book that I would have willingly picked up and bought at a bookstore. I might have read the back cover, but I never would have purchased it. It's just not "my type" of story. I must say, however, that this book was very well written. Julie Metz has an interesting story - she's not technically what you'd think of as a 'mainstream' stay-at-home-mom - and she uses great imagery in her storytelling. For someone who says it's not "my type," I sure did read it pretty fast. I got the book one day in the mail and finished it the next, and I've chewed it over a bit in my mind since then. Overall, I'd say that it's a very well-written, intriguing memoir, but it's just not my cup of tea, and not something I'd probably recommend to a friend, unless they're into non-fiction.
I believe I found a new favorite Author! I haven't finished reading this book but I am half way and I love it! It's very heart wrenching to hear someone going through something so devastating. To lose a husband has to be the hardest thing but to also find out a secret pass he held from you has to be devastating! A must read!
I really love this book it took me about 4 days to read it and i dido Momwithpowe if i read a book and the 1st 10 pages does not move me i have a hard time reading it this book was very..... Real to me my best friend has it now and more of my friends are going to get it soon it made me look at life very diff now she was a strong mom daughter friend a strong person in hole. I WOULD RECOMMEND THIS BOOK TO MANY ON PPL MEN WEMEN AND ALL
once i started reading this book it was hard to put down was a good read, except for the part where she is conversing with a professor via email, i quickly skimmed over that part, very boring, could of left out that part, but overall very good book
Love this book. I am a person who when starting a book if it does not get me in the first 10 pages I have a hard time reading it. This one got me on the first page. It show me even if you think everthing is perfect its not. However she work it out and show me that she was very strong and she did not give her husband any excuse and she help her daughter work through his death. What I like what she did for her daughter even when she was really mad at him she did not put him down in front of her daughter. I think she did right about her so called girlfriend, if it was me I think I could have been violent. This is one the best books I have read in a long time. I would recomment this book to my friends, Mom and my sisters to read. I hav.e learn alot form this book that not everyone is perfect
I really enjoyed this autobiography. It was so very honest and really brought me to the same positive place as the author. She had a traumatic experience but it empowered her and left her appreciating her life in a way she never could before the death and discovery that surrounded her husbands passing. I recommend this book to wives, mom's and singles, there's a lesson for us all in this book.