Like most, I knew Mr. Carver found about a bazillion different uses for the peanut. I did NOT know that he worked for Booker T. Washington, and had a huge personality conflict with the man for many years. I did not know that he loved to paint, and debated whether he should study art or science. I was unaware that he simply chose the name ?Washington? as his middle name when asked what it was. I had no idea that he was so witty and composed around people of high stature and great importance. All of these facts and more greatly endeared me to this man. The book tells more than facts about George Washington Carver. It shares stories, thoughts, feelings, and insights into WHO this man was?not just what he did. I was fascinated throughout, and yep, you guessed it: inspired like crazy! (It may help that Mr. Carver himself was an amazing individual. Write a book about me and it probably won't be as interesting.) I will be holding onto this book and reading it to my daughter as she gets older, sharing with her the treasure I've found here. It's an uncomplicated read that engages the reader and provides them with great insights. I'd happily recommend it to anyone else who likes learning about different people in our country's history.