An interesting topic that really makes you think. I had a lot of different feelings go on while reading it. The movie was decent as well. It really left me feeling bad for both girls.
This book was a great read. It keeps you interested all along, and you become so involved with the characters' lives. It gets you thinking about what is right or wrong, and keeps you in until the last page.
I had wanted to read this so bad, for so long, but for whatever reason kept passing it up. When I finally read it I was disappointed. I don't like stories that jump from one person's point of view to another and this one jumps around among SO many people it was often hard to keep things straight. If it would have maybe just stuck to the two sisters it would have helped. I was so let down by the ending too. I was like "What??? What a cop out!" But still, if you can get past all the bouncing around it is a touching story. The younger sister was conceived and born pretty much to be a medical aid in the older sister's battle against cancer. If marrow or whatever was needed, it came from the younger sister. But eventually it really does become 'How much is too much?' and 'When is enough, enough?'
Great book!! The ending was really unexpected. An excellent read and hard to put down!
The book keeps you thinking and never lets you settle on one point of view. You stay curious...I was never quite sure whose "side" to be on.
Jodi Picoult's books are good reads. This one is both heart wrenching and gut twisting.
I'm probably in the minority here, but I absolutely hated this book! The writing was trite and predictable, and the characters flat and stereotypical. The ending was a total cop out too. The only reason I finished the book was to find out why the lawyer had the service dog. Hands down the worst book I've ever read.
Jodi is one of my favorites and this book did not let me down.It was such a good read that I did not want to put it down once that I started reading it. She has a way of drawing you in and making you feel the joy and pain of each person in the book! Love her!!
Jodi Picoult is my favorite author ever!! Everything she writes is amazing
One of the best books I have ever read. Not only is the story excellent, but it gets you thinking. Read the book before watching the movie.
This book was incredible. I enjoy reading Jodi's work because I can relate to many of the characters' situations. I have a special needs daughter who has an older sister that has carried a heavy burden, and yet loves her sister dearly. I am currently reading House Rules by Jodi and am enjoying this story as well.
It was great....a real tear jerker!
This was the first Jodi Picoult book that I read and it was amazing! Jodi's writing has a way of drawing you in, and you truly feel like you can relate to all of the different characters in her books. I'm eagerly awaiting March for her newest book!
I have not seen the movie, but I can truly say that Picoult has a sense of situations and her books are always page turners that I can never put down. No matter what she has written, I would 5 star all of her books. Another excellent book is The Pact. She just gets into the souls of her characters.
I read this book quite a while ago and I LOVED it. It is my favorite Picoult book. The story is a touching one and the family that Picoult has created is a believable one....they could be your neighbors. This book is so well-written and everything unfolds for the reader in perfect timing. I cried when I read this book because some of the lines that Picoult wrote in regards to how a mother feels about her child(ren) really hit home with me. It was like she took my feelings and put them into words. Highly recommended.