Is Red Wine the New Sunscreen?

   By drodriguez  Aug 05, 2011

Love the occasional glass of red wine? Past research has shown how heart healthy it can be in moderation, but now science has come up with yet another reason to keep sipping.

A study , published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, finds that drinking red wine can actually protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun and keep you from getting a burn. Scientists report that it is the flavonoids in red wine that keep the skin from forming “reactive oxygen species” (ROS).  The ROS’s we usually form, when we are not wearing enough sunscreen or drinking red wine, react with UV rays in a way that cause sunburn, wrinkles, and skin cancers.

A recent CBS news report quotes the study’s director, Dr. Marta Cascante, who explains, "This study supports the idea of using these products to protect the skin from cell damage and death caused by solar radiation.”

Does this mean we can swap the sunscreen for a bottle of red wine at our next beach outing?, but consider sipping a glass of red wine or eating grapes (which have the same effect) along with using sunscreen at your next outdoor picnic and you’ll have double the protection.

What do you think of the new research that suggests red wine can help prevent sun damage?

Will you be on the look out for skin care products that use flavonoids?

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ctucker45 by ctucker45 | HENDERSON, NV
Aug 15, 2011

Well then. Going to get my wine glass and fill 'er up!

dnuncio by dnuncio | Elmhurst, NY
Aug 06, 2011

Good to know! I'm pretty sure I'm good on sun protection then... for at least a few years. ;)

DianeHoffmaster by DianeHoffmaster | LILBURN, GA
Aug 05, 2011

I love red wine! But lately it has been giving me a headache! Never has in the past...just odd! Interesting about the sunscreen...I have not heard of that!

msfriendly by msfriendly | MONROE, WI
Aug 05, 2011

Whooo hoooo! Yippeee! LOL! What a great excuse to have a glass of wine (long with my dark chocolate)!