How Has Facebook, Celebrating its 10th Anniversary, Changed Your Life?

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Feb 04, 2014

It's hard to believe that Facebook was born ten years ago today. On February 4th, 2004, a Harvard student named Mark Zuckerberg launched in this dormitory room as a platform for students on different college campuses to communicate and share ideas. Social networking was just getting off the ground at the time and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. The site was so popular amongst its users that Zuckerberg and his growing team of fellow Harvard students took it to a wider audience and brought Facebook into our lives. One thing we know for certain is that life has never been the same since for any of us.
In a letter to all of Facebook sent out this morning to honor the day, Zuckerberg said:

It's been amazing to see how all of you have used our tools to build a real community. You've shared the happy moments and the painful ones. You've started new families, and kept spread out families connected. You've created new services and built small businesses. You've helped each other in so many ways. 
People use Facebook daily to share milestones. They discuss major news events. They post photos and videos. They reunite with childhood friends or on the flip side, get unfriended and have their personal lives turned around. They meet their soul mates. They discover new careers or opportunities. They promote their businesses. They publish information about events. They discuss ideas. Some reveal too much, others remain spectators.
To reminisce about all the time you’ve spent on Facebook and how you've been using it, head to for a customized film made by Zuckerberg and his team that's going viral today.
How has Facebook changed your life?  We’d love to hear your thoughts and examples in our comment section. 


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cheryllo by cheryllo | Unsubscribe, FL
Feb 04, 2014

Facebook changed my life because we lived in a very rural area far away from our kids and grandson. Getting to see pictures and know what was happening with them wasn't very easy until they got a facebook page and convinced me to do the same. It was an instant connection with them. I have to admit now that we've moved back to the same town and they've gotten bored with posting now that he newness wore off we don't connect much through it now. I have found some really great sites through facebook and I'm having a blast connecting with sites like SheSpeaks on there. It was through someone commenting about SheSpeaks on one the facebook pages I'm also a member of that I decided to check it out. I've also connected with a few childhood friends through facebook. It's an amazing tool for looking for people you've lost contact with.

ToBeHeard by ToBeHeard | Tucson, AZ
Feb 04, 2014

I find that I've been able to keep up with friends, that I would have lost touch with.

hollyshespeaks by hollyshespeaks | LARCHMONT, NY
Feb 04, 2014

Yes, I recently had one of the best birthdays ever because of Facebook.

bbfan802 by bbfan802 | NORFOLK, VA
Feb 04, 2014

Facebook has definitely changed my life. I am more able to connect with friends and family than I was able to before I had facebook. I am now also able to tell them happy birthday when I was not doing that before. I was able to get in contact with my elementary school classmates almost 20 years after we graduated!

joceymcg by joceymcg | Sanford, FL
Feb 04, 2014

Because of Facebook I was able to reconnect with friends and family that I hadn't talked to in years. Most recently Facebook has helped me stay connected to family as I moved out of state and I was also able to make new friends in my new hometown.

hollyshespeaks by hollyshespeaks | LARCHMONT, NY
Feb 04, 2014

Because of Facebook, I went to my high school reunion! Because of Facebook, I've been able to keep i touch with friends around the world. Because of Facebook, I keep on top of all my favorite blogs, sites and news. Couldn't live without it!

Kay3131 by Kay3131 | New York, NY
Feb 04, 2014

Happy Birthday Facebook! And many thanks to Mark Zuckerberg, and all other visionaries who have changed our world so we can share and learn in new ways! Can't wait to come back and celebrate your 21st with you! Wooo!