So I know I mentioned in my post about the Aetna Heathly Food Fight, that I'd be sharing some healthy recipes with you over the course of the weeks that followed and I've failed you. What I didn't know or realize at the time, was that my eating habits were about to change BIG TIME! My niece is working on a Science Fair Project called "Detox Science", she's enlisted lots of women to be her "subjects" and naturally, I'd oblige. Right!
Being on a "detox" diet is a challenge, because I'm not just sacrificing things that "I THOUGHT" were bad for me, I'm eliminating A LOT of different foods, foods that I love and adore. Who would've thought how much I'd miss the sugar in my tea cup? Or the beef with my baked potato? But while I'm missing some of these things, I'm learning to expand my food palate and recipes.
As I'm learning to do this, I'm also more conscious of what is in the foods or drinks I'm putting in my body and I think I'm trying to follow this "diet" to the T to now let down my niece, but at the same time, not let down myself. Ridding my body of all of the "bad things" I've been putting in it for years and giving my body a boost in the right direction to achieve my overall goals. How enlightening! What makes this stand out from the rest of the times I've done this is that the focus and pressure is off of me, because I'm not focused on the rewards for myself, I'm focused on doing it for my niece. PHEW! No pressure right? Well there is pressure, but its different!
Have you ever noticed when you cook how much you taste, nibble, snack, sample, and then if you're like me, proceed to eat a regular meal? Well, I'm not doing that anymore. That is just ONE step that I've taken is different. I'm only eating natural sugars, herbal tea and what? MORE WATER! BONUS! I'm exercising daily and eating only the foods "I'm allowed", and I'm so proud of myself. Granted I'm only on day three, I've made three different trips to the grocery store to obtain "more healthy food" but, I'm on my way to achieving greatness!
So on with my latest recipe: Now bear in mind that I've embellished upon or tweaked it to suit my taste palate, but I was very pleased with the result of combining two recipes, I took a Sweet Potato/Squash recipe and meshed it with the oven roasted veggies recipe, which ended up being.... Roasted Sweet Potato, Red & White Potato and Butternut Squash with fresh garlic cloves, onions, sea salt, pepper, and olive oil with a dash of lemon baked uncovered! I ate that at three different meals and it was most delicious, I paired it with thin sliced chicken breast in similar seasonings and came up with (If you're wondering, yes, I eat at my desk at work) THE most delicious meals I've made and had in a very long time, and go figure... It's healthy?
So thanks goes to my niece for one, and Aetna Healthy Food Fight for inspiring me in so many ways to achieve healthy greatness!
Until next time....
I could us all the help I could get on healthy was to eat and it would not hurt me at all to lose a few pounds,but I am very worried about make sure I do it in a safe way and do not really care for the drugs that say you lose and get heathy with out eating right or exersise I do not thank that is good for anyone.