If you have kids, Halloween is probably a big deal in your house. From shopping around for the perfect costumes, treats, and decorations to planning parties and school functions, you have your hands full. Maybe you are even one of those creative parents who insists on making all the costumes by hand.
And then there are some of us who don’t have small children, but secretly love to put on that pointy hat once a year and dish out candy to all the adorable pirates, ghosts, and goblins that show up at our doorstep.
As you gear up for the spooky occasion this year, it’s a good idea to have a few safety tips on your mind. When people think about possible dangers of Halloween, images of poison and glass hidden in chocolate bars immediately come to mind. Though a child eating a tainted treat is terrifying to think about, it actually happens very rarely.
According to an article published in Parenting Magazine a child is four times more likely to be fatally injured by a motor vehicle on Halloween than any other day of the year. That is a very scary statistic.
But before you call off trick or treating this year, know that there are things you can do to keep your kids safe. Parenting Magazine offers these simple tips for safer trick or treating:
? Add reflective tape to costumes and trick-or-treat bags, and give your child a flashlight.
? Walk together on sidewalks, if available, and cross only at corners and pedestrian walkways.
? Leave bikes, skateboards, and in-line skates at home.
? Be sure that costumes aren’t too long, shoes fit well, and masks don’t make it hard to see (or breathe!)
What do you think of these trick or treating safety tips offered from Parenting Magazine?
What will you do this year to ensure your kids have a safe and spooky night?
We have trunk or treat.Its great,kids love it.Local churches sponser it.Kids play games,are in a safe zone.Everone opens their trunks in the church yard.They have parked in a circle.Kids walk from one car to the other getting candy.My grandkids brought home goldfish with bowls for them.Play toys from games.Plenty candy where it all came from the same location.HURRAY for trunk or treat.....
I know it's not Halloween time at all right now, just browsing through old blog posts but I really have to say that parental supervision is SO important. Like pittypatty said above, I couldn't believe how many kids were out alone or just with another friend. Kids get so excited about Halloween that even your most responsible 9 year old will do things that you don't think they will. Go out with your kids!
All great ideas and I wish more parents would do these little things for their children. I also have to add that I have seen many younger children out by themselves without adult supervision. This is just so many bad things waiting to happen ...
Neighborhood parties are great for kids and we organize one every year on Halloween. That way they stay close at hand and safe! When trick or treating, parents or a responsible adult should always accompany kids. I know that traffic statistic must be correct!
Yes, it doesn't surprise me that there are more traffic accidents than candy issues. It's also a great idea for kids to carry a flashlight.
Those statistics make a lot of sense. There is probably a mixture of kids walking in the streets and people coming home from parties where they've been drinking. People definitely need to reiterate "stay on the sidewalks and look both ways before crossing the street" a few times if their kids are going out alone.