Grow your own citrus year round - even in the frigid North!

   By berned_you  Dec 27, 2011

I’ve always adored citrus trees but was mistaken in believing that they were only to be enjoyed by those living in warm, sunny locales such as Florida and California.  I was delighted when my good friend told me about dwarf meyer lemon trees.  These trees can be planted in containers and pruned to a desired height/width.  You keep them outside in the summer and simply move them to a sunny spot indoors for the winter months.  You can use similar techniques for lime, grapefruit, mandarin and orange trees as well!

I purchased a one year old tree back in June and it was $35 from a local nursery.  It hasn't grown very much but has focused its energy on producing lovely blooms and lemons!  I have yet to try any lemons but will likely do so very soon.

See my phenoMNal twin cities blog for more information and growth updates.


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ajhenloc by ajhenloc | Philadelphia, PA
Dec 28, 2011

Just reading these blogs makes my holiday brighter. I think I will start brunch tomorrow morning and continue every morning thru till after New Years Day (maybe longer) sounds sooo good.

agaphmou by agaphmou | ASTORIA, NY
Dec 28, 2011

I want a lemon tree too! My brother bought an little orange tree and so far it has grown little oranges.

roldancate by roldancate | COLUMBIA, TN
Dec 28, 2011

That sounds like a great idea since we move a lot it would be nice to have fresh fruit to go with us.

roldancate by roldancate | COLUMBIA, TN
Dec 28, 2011

That sounds like a great idea since we move a lot it would be nice to have fresh fruit to go with us.

Dec 27, 2011

OOOOOOPS I forgot to mention that we live in Southern, NJ

Dec 27, 2011

You can also grow Banana's in the North, My husband and I got a pot with four banana's in them,(we have them planted in big pots) and they were growing real well, and we brought them in for the winter, and they are doing great, and when we put them back out in the summer we will have our own Banana's...YUMMMMY

kellibliss by kellibliss | NARRAGANSETT, RI
Dec 27, 2011

I had no idea you could do this! Wow this is awesome thank you!

kellibliss by kellibliss | NARRAGANSETT, RI
Dec 27, 2011

I had no idea you could do this! Wow this is awesome thank you!

dnlddck by dnlddck | NORTH BABYLON, NY
Dec 27, 2011

I really want a lemmon tree! I will look for this type of lemon tree since I live in the northeast.

cocoabella by cocoabella | EL PASO, TX
Dec 27, 2011

sounds like a good idea and if u bear fruit would be fun to eat the oranges/lemons/limes

berned_you by berned_you | MINNEAPOLIS, MN
Dec 27, 2011

I just tried a lemon over the weekend and it was amazing!

didama by didama | MAPLEWOOD, NJ
Dec 27, 2011

What a great idea!