Okay, so maybe those enormous student loan payments are preventing lots of millennials from owning homes, cars or even starting a family but there’s one thing they are not skimping on and that’s adorable furry friends. A new survey reveals millennials (people born between the dates of 1980 and 2000) are much more likely to have a pet than people in other age groups.
The Washington Post reports about the latest findings from a survey conducted by Mintel about millennial pet trends. The survey finds that about 75% of people in their 30’s are dog-owners and a little more than 50% own cats. This is much higher than the general population which is reportedly 35% cat owners and 50% dog owners.
So why are millennials so eager to sign on to be pet parents? Researchers believe a combination of a more flexible (possibly work-from-home) schedule and delaying having children leads to the need for a furry friend to snuggle up to. Author of “Generation Me” Jean Twenge explains the millennial’s need for a household pet. She says, “Pets are becoming a replacement for children. They’re less expensive. You can get one even if you’re not ready to live with someone or get married, and they can still provide companionship.”
It seems that millennial men are much more likely than women to become the proud parent of a dog or cat. The survey found that 71% of millennial men owned dogs while only 62% of women had a pooch for a pet and 48% of men had a feline at home as compared to just 35% of women in this age category. An analyst with Mintel, Rebecca Cullen, speculates that millennial men are more gung-ho to become pet owners because they are more willing to do the dirty work of taking care of a dog or cat, whereas women may think more logically and feel they won’t be around enough to give the pet the attention they need. Cullen explains, “Men are more willing to put in the time and effort of taking care of a pet. Women are more likely to feel they are away from home too much and that pets require too much work.”
What do you think of these latest statistics suggesting millennials are more likely to own pets?
Why do you think people in this age groups are more likely to adopt dogs and cats?