Believe it or not, not all beauty comes straight from a bottle. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not". So what does that really mean for the rest of us not-so-enlightened? In my opinion, it gives us an excuse to eat chocolate (not that you needed one) while using a variety of other tricks to put ourselves in a beautiful state of mind...
Mood Boosting Foods: If you don't have enough reasons to love chocolate already, take this little factoid for a spin: dark chocolate contains 8 times more antioxidants than a strawberry. In addition to it's free radical fighting super powers, chocolate also contains flavonoids which lower blood pressure and regulate hormonal fluctuations. Of course you can't go crazy on candy every time you get the urge, but a small amount of natural chocolate can actually help your beauty routine instead of hurt it.
* Use: Vorges Exotic Candy Bars. If you want to really boost your metabolism and help your complexion, try any variety of these unique chocolate bars with ingredients like sea salt, ginger, wasabi or lemon zest. Plus, they're gluten-free and only 80 calories (so you're skin and health will love you!)
Old Fashioned Tricks: Have you ever met a gorgeous, older woman who claims to have never used fancy products on her skin? There are tons of mature ladies with wrinkle-free complexions, who use nothing more than a bar of soap and warm water throughout life. Although this seems like an anomaly to most of us serum-toting skincare fanatics, pricey products are not always what we need to achieve a fresh glow. In actuality, the most important thing is cleansing your face twice per day (even if you're just de-clogging pores with a soft washcloth and water), and shielding your skin from the sun whenever possible.
* Use: Proactiv Medicated Cleansing Bar. If you want to try the soap, water and gentle wash cloth method, make sure to use a product with zit fighting properties to ward of breakouts. This soap is gentle enough for daily use but will keep your pores clear too.
Optical Illusions: There is a reason that all the biggest fashionistas carry even bigger bags... because they want to look smaller. Oddly enough, carrying giant hobos and oversized totes have more benefit than simply making it easy to bring your Vosges chocolate to the movie theater... it also helps you look leaner in comparison. Who can argue with that logic?
* Use: Shop Suey Boutique Janey Tote. This bag is big enough to make you look like you've been working out, but shockingly affordable for it's luxurious appearance. Beauty certainly comes in all shapes and sizes (I prefer the curvier ones personally), but everyone can benefit from this effortlessly chic bag.
Great tips. Thx! Was looking for a reason to eat more dark choc. Yum!