Fashions For All! More Mom-Founded Clothing Lines Squash Gender Stereotypes

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Apr 16, 2015

Back in 2013 we talked about an emerging clothing company called Girls Will Be that bucked the “girly girl” stereotypes and offered fashions for girls who just aren’t that into all the frills and sparkle we are accustomed to seeing in stores. Since then several other non-gender bias clothing lines have gained popularity among parents who welcome different designs for both girls and boys who don’t necessarily fit the sterortypical mold when it comes to fashion. Most of the lines are small gaining popularity over the last several years are mom-founded businesses making a big difference in the kid-fashion world.

Huffington Post recently reported about 12 clothing lines that are currently breaking all gender norm rules when it comes to fashions for kids. The Girls Will Be line is still offering up “colors beyond pink” for girls. Some of their t-shirt designs feature robots and sharks and they also offer shorts that aren’t too short, giving girls more freedom to run around.

A line for boys and girls called Handsome in Pink offers t-shirts for boys in purples and pinks, colors you rarely see on the rack in stores. They also offer a shirt for girls with the phrase, “Forget Princess, Call Me President”. A line called Quirkie Kids also offers shirts in pink for both boys and girls.

Everyone is well aware that when it comes to the STEM field, women are way underrepresented. A clothing line called BuddingSTEM would like to change those statistics by offering designs any science-loving girl would wear. Fostering their interests early and allowing them to express themselves through fashion is a great way show them that girls can love science and math too. From rocket ship to dinosaur designs, your daughter can show off her love for all things STEM.

Though all of the new gender stereotype-squashing clothing lines are a step in the right direction, Girls Will Be co-founder Sharon Choksi explains that big name retailers are still not ready to offer this type of clothing in their stores. She told SheSpeaks, “The big retailers still don't seem to be changing (beyond a few shirts here and there, like the Land’s End science t-shirts), but small, mom-founded businesses are filling the void and gaining momentum! It's an exciting time!" She adds, "Hopefully, the work of these moms (including us) has changed the world of kids' clothing forever, so that we never again see such an extreme polarization of kids clothes into what is "for boys" vs "for girls," with so very few options in the middle."

What do you think of all the non-gender stereotype clothing lines now emerging?

Would you like to see more of these type of fashions offered in big name stores?

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jessicamcghee by jessicamcghee | Brooklyn, NY
Apr 16, 2015