Earn Rewards Points & More With the POINTS REWARDS PLUS Program!
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Mar 08, 2023
Everyday grocery shopping has become a whole lot more fun with Kroger’s POINTS REWARDS PLUS Program! While picking up your favorite grocery essentials from the Kroger family of stores, you can earn incredible Rewards, from video games and gift cards to Fuel Points and grocery savings.
Click here for more info and to sign up to be a POINTS REWARDS PLUS Member so you can join in the fun!
Enter our giveaway below for a chance to win a $50 Kroger gift card to help you get on your way to earning Rewards.
One lucky winner will be chosen at random to receive a $50 Kroger gift card. Giveaway is open to U.S. residents 18 years or older. Enter through Thursday, March 30. Winner will be chosen randomly by Thursday, April 6 and notified by email. Winner must be a SheSpeaks member. If you are not a member, click here to join.
See Official Rules. Void where prohibited. Open: 2.15.2023. Open to United States residents ONLY, 18 years of age or older. For full Official Rules, go to pointsrewardsplus.com/nationalvideogamesday-rules. Limit one prize package per person: offer only available to Points Rewards Plus members only. One entry per day. © The Kroger, Co.
Thanks to all who entered! Congrats to our winner SheSpeaks member user2626.