Disgusting! Foams up a lot. Smells great but don't let the smell fool you! This taste horrible!
I was interested because of the all natural ingredients but I literally took two separate swigs while eating lunch and had to dump it. I got the sample from my Influenster Holiday Voxbox in the pink lemonade flavor. It had an almost bitter taste to it. It fizzed when I poured the cold water into my bottle and I let it settle before taking a sip. I thought at first that I could get past it or maybe it was what I was eating it with (whole wheat pasta with red sauce) but no, it didn't taste any better the next sip. I was disappointed because I use a lot of powdered drink mix. I was looking forward to trying something different. I did see some other reviews that were better but they had a different flavor. I would be really upset if I spent $28 for a box of 20 packets!
Great for cold & flu season!
Hate hate hate hate...I keep getting samples of these in various boxes and such. I tried one of them, and I can't stand it...disgusting! I mean not even tolerable or a quick chug. I want nothing to do with these and will NEVER buy them and don't recommend them to anyone!
I am not a fan of the orange flavor. I have also heard that these vitamin drink packets don't pack as much punch as they claim. I prefer the gummy bear vitamins.
Don't try putting this in a bottle of water, it foamed everywhere. I really entertained the women in the break room. The taste was not the greatest, reminded me of Tang. I liked that it had vitamins in it but won't be buying it.
It is okay but I am not sure how much it works
This stuff isn't that bad at all. I actually like the taste and I do feel that it gives me energy :)
Didn't like this product much. It smelled "chemically" to me. I like the concept but the smell makes me want to stay away. SORRY! :(
I really liked the energy boost. It was nice and lasting, and I didn't get jittery like some drinks make me. The balance of the vitamins was very nice, and probably helped to sustain the energy. However, the taste was awful. I had such a hard time drinking the packets.... I would buy them in the future if I could handle the taste. That combined with the prolonged aftertaste makes this product a no-go for me, which is sad because I really liked how I felt after I took them....
I really wanted to like this product. I liked the idea of all the vitamins and the added energy boost. But I couldn't get more than 2 sips down. This stuff tastes awful! I much prefer the taste of emergency. I had to give the remaining packets away, it was that bad for me.
I didnt care for the taste but I do like how many vitamins it has
Good concept, but the foaminess and the taste are drawbacks on this one. Reminded me a little bit of cold/flu remedies that you drop in water in terms of taste.
I thought the flavor was yuck. I even had other people try it and they said yuck.
helps wake you up giving you that extra boost. I use it pre-workout. I don't really care for the effervescent qualities and the taste is not so good but it does smell great. I only tried the orange. I love that it doesn't contain any artificial sweeteners.