Awesome underrated band. The drummer is one of the best in the world if not thebest.
If you are at all familiar with the group Dream Theater, you know the quality and versatility they bring to the table with each and every song they record. "Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence is no exception. For those who are unfamiliar with the group, they are often labelled as a "Progressive Metal" band. I feel that this label pigeon holes them and does not convey the scope of the music they produce. They are at times, orchestral, and other times heavy on the electronical sounds. What they are really, is sheer talent. Say, the Metalicca of their own genre. This particular album brings forth the world of mental illness. Not in a "crazy" type of lyrical mish mash; but a provocative of richly thought out and expressed lyrics, presented to you as if the writer is actually expression this dimension of himself. One would have to listen and feel the music and lyrics to understand. All of the songs, covering such conditions as schyzophrenia, autism, and alcoholism, are unique in their presentation. Gritty, honest, and heartfelt are the best adjectives I can use to convey to represent the feel of this album. The two songs that speak the most to me are Solitary Shell, a powerful song about autism, and The Great Debate which presents both sides of the stem cell debate with equal passion. I would recommend this album 100% to anyone! It is just that good.