I don't prefer this product I would rather use clean and clear but this product is a little effective
For the price this isn't worth it. I hardly saw much improvement I will just stick with the occasional pore strips.
I bought this product because I had tried what seemed like nearly everything trying to get rid of blackheads. It didn't make my skin worse or make me break out but I also didn't notice a significant improvement like I hoped for. I used it for a while to see if it got better with time but that still didn't help. One of the nice things about it is that it somewhat changes color once it dries so it does look like something is happening which is always nice to see in a skin care product but that wasn't enough for me. It may work on someone else's skin but personally I wouldn't buy it again.
I received this product in a New Beauty Testtube. I thought it worked ok on the pores on my nose and chin. I don't think that I would buy it for full retail price. I will just stick to the strips which cost far less and are just as effective.
I received this 'Pores No More' Vacuum Cleaner-Blackhead Extractor by Dr. Brandt in one of my most recent sample 'BeautyTubes' i subscribe to. It was a nice size sample. This product is an alternative to those teen blackhead Biore strips that strip the heck out of your skin and hurt when you try pulling them off. Although I did notice tighter pores on my nose after first use I still had a few blackheads. I followed the directions and washed and dried my face before use too. All of my blackheads are on and around my nose which are probably tougher to use. The serum goes on like clear glue and feels just like glue while it's drying on your face. It dries like a white or light blue powdery mask and you rinse it off with warm water. It felt like it was working, getting tight while tingling but I didn't get the one hundred percent result I expected to get. I think the Biore strips are more thorough and deep cleaning, if your willing to torture yourself! lol