Truly mess free This is great for kids who love to color. The colors are bright (they do fade after time), but create no mess at all!
This is such an inventive, creative idea. My little ones have always loved coloring and have wanted to do so since they were small, but typically kids like to color on every surface but paper, so this products colors only show up on the special paper, so its mess free. They sell several character options too if there something specific your child is into right now.
Love mess free My first child loved these and now my baby whos 18 months loves these. I love how theyre mess free!
Color Wonder I love this Color wonder mess free set! It's quite a genius idea. Finally something I can actually trust my daughter to use without making a mess! Such a stress reliever for parents and actually works. Doesn't make a mess on anything. Only shows up on the color wonder paper. Awesome product for kids and frustrated parents who have had to one too many times try to scrub crayon or marker off the walls and paint off of the furniture!! Highly recommended!
Fun without the mess This product is great at keeping young children busy while parents are doing something else because it don't make a mess and only shows up on special paper so toddlers will not draw on the walls and themselves while mom and dad's backs are turned. I recommend this to anyone with small children.
Another great product from crayola! Great for kids especially ones that love to write on walls, furniture, their clothing, etc. No mess to clean up, not even on their hands since these markers only show up on the special paper.
These are great for anything from road trips to rainy days. I love them because my daughter loves to draw and color... on every surface she can find. These keep me from having to clean marker off my walls and carpets while keeping the kids entertained. I only wish they offered more colors and sets of the markers outside of the "bundled" pack. My daughter uses all of the different colors we have on any one page, but we also now have a dozen markers of the same color.
I buy tons of these all the time. My kids love them and I give them as presents for different holidays as well as for car trips and good behavior. It's so easy to use and there is no mess. My kids love coloring and I don't have to worry about coloring on my walls.
I love this incredibly genius idea, of course kids just love to write on everything so this helps to not leave messes all over those walls! I recommend Parents purchase these for sure!
Great for road trips when you can't watch your kids behind you.
Love these!No mess to clean up.
Love it.
I have a son thats 4years old and this crayola wonder markers are great for him sometimes kids there age like coloring in the rong places or even in there shirts or the wall but this wonder markers are great for kids there age they could color there shirts and no colo will apear or in the walls nothing will apear it will only apear in a crayola special paper that they comr with its great i love it.
YAHOO! Finally found something that my kids can't write on the wall with! LOVE IT!
Love this! Bought it for my daughter & she tends to color on things she's not supposed to. This saves my furniture from her.