Couples Clean The Mess With Less Stress

   By drodriguez  May 31, 2011

Having a little help from your spouse with household chores can definitely lighten the load and, as a new study reported about in Time Magazine points out, can lower your stress levels too. 

The study followed around 30 couples who worked outside the home and had children between the ages of 8 and 10. Researchers found that women’s stress levels were lowest when their spouse pitched in and they did chores together.

Interestingly, men’s stress levels were only reduced when their spouse was doing all the housework and they were left without any chores.

People who spend a good part of their evening doing housework alone are unable to lower their cortisol levels. If cortisol levels do not go down in the evening as they are supposed to, a person is more prone to getting sick and may even shorten their lifespan. This may be the best reason to either share chores with your spouse or let those dishes soak in the sink a little longer while you unwind.

Why do you think men find stress in sharing the chores, while sharing chores with a partner reduces stress levels for women?

Tell us about your daily routine! Do you have any help with household chores?

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blessed96 by blessed96 | Eufaula, AL
Jun 02, 2011

I decided to get a friend to help me with some of my chores.

LISA2699 by LISA2699 | Saugus, MA
Jun 01, 2011

I hate housekeeping.

msfriendly by msfriendly | MONROE, WI
May 31, 2011

I think women in general are more organized and feel better when things are running that way. Dirty houses don't bother men at all (for the most part), so I think they aren't too happy to help because they don't see it as a priority. I love my husband because he does help out without complaining...guess I'm VERY lucky!