You can't go wrong with ANY of the Community Coffees. I love a dark, strong coffee so I usually go for the New Orleans blend (coffee & chicory) but have tried them all and depending on your preference, you'll find one that you'll love! The seasonal ones are great too! Right now I'm using the Mardi Gras and Bread Pudding blends when I want a different taste. They are amazing!
i have never try this coffe, love to try it i hope its good !
Community coffee is a brand that i like when i am shopping for my K-Cups. It has a good assortment of different types an flavors and it is not a very strong taste like most other coffees i have purchased before.
Bought it on sale last week and will admit it was not half bad.
This coffee is not one of my favorites, but, it is good. I prefer a very strong, bold flavored coffee. The smell of it brewing is wonderful. Just not a coffee that fits with my taste.
Not big on this one b/c I always get coffee and chicory. Honestly, I don't know if it is the flavor or the memory of sitting on my Maw Maw's lap every night, while she sat with my mom and mom's sisters talking at the kitchen table, while drinking pot after pot of coffee. I would always get her to fix me a cup, but it was VERY white bc it was mainly milk with coffee lol! And of course I am from New Orleans so my vote just might not count :P
I'm originally from New Orleans and Community Coffee is a local coffee company. Grew up drinking it. The Medium Roast is good, but I like a strong coffee, so I prefer New Orleans Blend (coffee & chicory). Generally order 12# from the Community Coffee website and have it shipped to my home. I've shared with some friends here in Kansas and most love it. I set my coffee maker up before I go to bed, I don't use an alarm clock because when the coffee starts brewing the aroma wakes me. Gets me out of bed every time!
A friend gave us a lb of this coffee. My husband and I drink bold coffee. This coffee was not bold enough and it hurt my stomach. I would not get this coffee again.
We just love the Medium Roast Community Coffee on a cold morning to jump start our day!!! After trying many other brands this coffee has become our family's favorite and when I go shopping I usually stock up so that way if we have family or friends over we always have plenty of hot coffee on hand!!!
I drink coffee daily have tried it a few times; if you like a good bold wake up coffee its great.
I absolutely adore this coffee! I love it!
Have loved both the coffee blends and tea that Community sells. Too many great tasting flavors to choose from though!!!!
Great taste, good quality...Its always nice to to wake up to the best
Hotel Blend is absolutely the best coffee I've ever had! I'll go out of my way to buy it. It has such a flavorful and smooth flavor. This blend reminds me of the great coffee I used to get in those heavy china cups at those old great diners!