Can Viagra Alleviate Menstrual Cramps?

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Dec 25, 2013

If you’ve ever thought you’d try just about anything for relief from debilitating menstrual cramps, you may not have had Viagra in mind. Researchers have begun to see some interesting developments in menstrual pain relief when administering the erectile dysfunction medication to women.

CBS News reports about the possibility of Viagra’s use in women to relieve severe cramps brought on by menstruation. Research led by professor of obstetrics and gynecology and public health sciences at Penn State’s Milton S. Hersey Medical Center Dr. Richard S. Legro suggests that administering Viagra vaginally has reduced primary dysmenorrheal, the pain experienced during menstruation.

Authors of the study explain what this new treatment can do for women who suffer from severe cramps every month. They write, “Since PD is a condition that most women suffer from and seek treatment for at some point in their lives, our study offers hope that vaginal sildenafil citrate is a safe and effective option for patients who do not desire, or are unresponsive to, treatments now available on the market.”

Women involved in the study were either given a placebo or sildenafil citrate (the active ingredient in Viagra). Women who received the sildenafil citrate were much more likely to report that their menstrual cramps were completely relieved. Though the current findings suggest a Viagra type drug may one day be available to alleviate menstrual cramps, researchers say that more studies must be done to ensure safety.

What do you think of the new research that suggests Viagra may help to alleviate menstrual cramps?

Would you be interested to try a drug like this in order to get some relief from those monthly cramps?

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basilandcatnip by basilandcatnip | GARLAND, TX
Jan 03, 2014

At $8-10 a pill, no thank you.

sharman421 by sharman421 | TALLAHASSEE, FL
Dec 26, 2013

This seems a bit scary. So many new drugs coming on the market. I feel we need to be vary cautious with women's health. I know monthly cramps can be debilitating for a day or two for many women, but there may be too many risks involved with this viagra-type drug and our hormone balance. I hope many studies are done to make sure it is deemed safe.