Before the Turkey Comes the Calorie Burn

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Nov 25, 2014

For most of us Thanksgiving means indulging in decadent dishes like creamy mashed potatoes, turkey, stuffing, pies, and then the leftovers…don’t forget the leftovers. But many of us also associate turkey day with getting that last minute workout in before hunkering down for a feast among family and friends. Taking part in athletics events like marathons and organized bike rides across the country has become something of a tradition on Thanksgiving in recent years.

The Wall Street Journal reports about the holiday that has now become a day to burn calories before consuming them. Places like Dallas, Texas are expecting a big turnout of around 35,000 people for their annual Turkey Trot. Roughly 870,000 people ran in Thanksgiving day races nationwide last year.

Phoenix resident, Craig Stoffel, is getting ready to bike in a 38 mile Turkey Day Ride that he’s been taking part in over the last several years. He explains why he feels good about getting the exercise out of the way before gobbling up all the goodies. Stoffel says that by 11a.m., “my body’s burned a ton of calories and I am ready for Thanksgiving. That’s the thing that makes it so special, is just that contentment that you get after it. You feel like you’ve done something.” He points out that many families will take a walk or play a little tag football after the meal and adds, “But I kind of like doing it early, get it out of the way and feel relaxed the rest of the day.”

A lot of gyms and health clubs see the need for exercise on this day of overindulgence. Many open their doors for the first half of the day and will even offer specialized classes like Crunch’s 75 minute “Turkey Burn and Firm Class” that includes 45 minutes of cycling and 30 minutes of an ab workout.

What do you think of the new tradition of working out before the Thanksgiving Feast?

Do you take part in any athletic event of special workout on Thanksgiving?

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