Brings back memories Love this dollar and the story it comes with to promote learning
Beautiful Kanani I love this doll. I gifted it to my daughter when she was 11 years old. She is 22 now and still has it. The doll came with some accessories and a book. She spent hours playing with her doll and reading. The only thing about the doll is her hair. With time the hair became dry and with split ends. Most of the time she kept it in a braid. I made some clothes to add to the doll's wardrobe.
AN AMAZING DOLL INDEED My daughter loves her American Girl doll. She love it that it can match to her likes and outfits and hair image as hers.
It's favorite book my daughter))) It's favorite book my daughter))) It's favorite book my daughter)))
My daughter begged for Kanani from the moment she was announced as the Girl of the Year for 2011. She's only 5 1/2 (she was not quite 5 when she first started asking... I was afraid she was too young for such an expensive doll). We finally surprised her with the doll, and she is in LOVE! We've had Kanani for a few months now, and while she is very expensive, if your child is responsible enough to follow a few rules for play (wash your hands first, no food around the doll, etc) then she is the perfect gift! Get her now, though, as she's only available until the end of 2011. I was afraid with the SUPER-long hair that she'd be hard to care for, and that her curls would go away. But so far no problems; she 'sleeps' in her box (shh... don't tell her, but my daughter will be getting a bed for Kanani at Christmas!) ... we put her hair into very loose pigtail braids that follow the shape of her curls (I saw a video on how to do this on YouTube); and take the braids out when my daughter is ready to play ... the curls stay in perfect shape! Because my daughter is so much younger than the recommended age (she's only in Kindergarten) we set the book aside when we first got the doll. But she pulled it out this week and asked me to read it to her... we read through the first chapter and she was intrigued... I was surprised that she would sit through so much reading and so few pictures, but she is so in love with Kanani that I think she wanted to hear all about her. :) I highly recommend Kanani if you have a daughter who is begging for her first American Girl doll!