Amazon To Deliver Real Christmas Trees This Year, Will Your Family Order One?

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Sep 24, 2018

For those that insist on the real deal, pine smelling, needle sheding Christmas tree each year - the trek to attain said tree can be a lot less taxing this year. Amazon recently announced that this will be the first year you can actually order a real Christmas tree from the online retail giant and have it delivered right to your doorstep (no axe or hike through the snow required).

Mashable reports about the trees offered for delivery on Amazon in time for the holidays and how those on social media are reacting to the news. The trees will start shipping out as early as November and customers can choose between Fraser and Douglas firs as well as Norfolk Island Pines. Some of the trees will be offered for free shipping to Prime customers, which may convince some to leave that pink plastic tree in the attic this year.

But the cost of the trees may not be the same sweet deal you’re getting with your local tree farm each year. A 7-foot Fraser fir will run you upwards of $115 and will arrive within 10 days of ordering. The trees will come all packaged and freshly chopped in regular Amazon boxes, ready for trimming and festivities.

After hearing news of the new Christmas tree offer on Amazon, feelings were mixed among social media users. Some pointed out that purchasing trees from the site would take away from those who count on this seasonal job to bring in extra money over the holidays. Others were just happy to have the extra conveniece of having a Christmas tree delivered to their home. One Twitter user wrote, “i already buy 92% of my things from @amazon so HELLS YES I WILL BUY A CHRISTMAS TREE FROM THEM TOO.” But another Twitter user humorously pointed out how the service may be impeding on tradition saying, “Starting in November Amazon can ship a live full sized Christmas tree to your door. Maybe for a little extra they can decorate, drink your milk and cookies, open up your presents and spend quality time with Aunt Sally for you too.”

What do you think of Amazon offering Christmas tree delivery this year?

Does this sound like something you would purchase through Amazon?

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CasandraLaMonaca by CasandraLaMonaca | EAST HAVEN, CT
Oct 08, 2018

I think it's great for people who may not be able to get out and get it themselves. For me, I love picking out my own tree at half the cost. It takes away from the tradition of picking it out as a family.

AprilHarmon by AprilHarmon | Ashland, KY
Oct 03, 2018

I personally think this is a fantastic idea! I love real Christmas trees and this would be so much more convenient than having to go & find one & get it back home. So yes! I would definitely purchase a live Christmas tree from Amazon! Wonder if my free 2 day Prime shipping will apply? Sure hope so!

judyrogers334 by judyrogers334 | LITHONIA, GA
Sep 28, 2018

I think this is awesome. I'm not getting any younger and with the smell of pine in the house will remind me of my younger years growing up with my siblings. My mom and grandmother made sure we had the best Christmases ever. So many great memories.

cdmtx65 by cdmtx65 | Bella Vista, AR
Sep 28, 2018

if i decide to get a real one i rather pick it out myself at the store/tree farm rather than " hoping " i get a fresh and great looking tree.

brendeary by brendeary | Williamstown, NJ
Sep 24, 2018

I'm allergic, so fake trees are the only ones that go up in my house. I hope that their live trees, for those that can enjoy them, are better than their fake ones. I had to throw out mine after one season of use that I purchased from them.