One of the toughest things for a family to deal with is if one of their children becomes seriously ill. It is important for parents and children in this situation to gain strength through support and believe they can heal. One organization that promotes this type of strength and inspiration is Soaringwords.
By acquiring help from local schools, churches, synangogues, community outreach centers, etc. Soaringwords puts together inspirational events as well as therapeutic activities for familes dealing will their child’s illness. Their signature event allows people to decorate quilts and pillows to give as a gift to ailing children.
According to the Soaringwords website, the organization was started by Lisa Honig Buksbaum after she experienced illness in her own home. In a matter of just 10 months Buksbaum’s only sibling passed away, her father found out he had cancer for a second time, and her oldest child became seriously ill. By launching the non-profit organization, Soaringwords, Buksbaum puts her efforts into helping sick children and families to heal through inspiration.
Now, it looks like Soaringwords needs our help. The organization is participating in something called a 10,000 in 10-Day Research Challenge that is sponsored by Hershey. If Soaringwords can get 10,000 people to donate just 15 minutes of their time by completing a survey, Hershey’s has agreed to give a $35,000 grant to the organization.
In order to take the survey, you must be between the ages of 18 and 54. Soaringwords is also asking that participants pass the survey link ( onto 10 or more friends as well as posting on their Twitter and Facebook accounts to get the word out.
What do you think of the way Soaringwords helps families dealing with childhood illnesses?
Do you think supporting families in this way can help them find the strength to cope?
It is a fantastic thing they are willing to do for the cause. It won't let me however, access the survey.
I have tried to click on the link , and it is coming up with an error message. I think this is a wonderful way to raise awareness but perhaps the survey event has ended :(
As an oncology nurse, I have seen firsthand the devestation that cancer wroughts in families. Having an organization that helps families to deal with the illness is wonderful. It is too bad the survey has ended though.
good for them that is great for a business to give like that :) I applaud them!!!!!
Wow...definitely has me thinking about performing more charity work this year.
I think this is wonderful. Anyone willing to take time out of their day is doing the right thing for a good reason, also turning tragity into help for others, how ever they can ... is a good cause to me!
How could anyone say no to 15 minutes for such a great reason. If I can do something that will have such an impact on someone else's dime...I'm so in. Since the survey has ended, too bad I can't this time...
Yeah me too i found that the survey has ended..I felt like I had to help.
I just found out the survey period has ended. Wish that I could have helped.
this is such an awesome thing, I was staying at the ronald mcdonald house when my son was born with renal failure. I donated my kidney to him. There were lots of organizations that came in and helped him and it was a wonderful thing. I applaud eveyone that is helping with this.
Chocolate and people showing their love for you are two great ways to make a sick person feel better. Thanks soaringwords and Hershey for helping those kids. I'm going totake that survey right now.
15 minutes is not a lot of time at all!
This is such a great way to help out. 15 minutes is not a lot of time. I am putting this on my facebook.
I agree, this sounds like a great way to help families. I have 15 minutes to spare! And it is easy enough to add the link onto facebook.
i defenitely think this is a good help for those families it lets them know that theres people that care for them and that they are not alone in those times of need.