The beginning of the school year brings up a lot of emotions, and not just for the kids who are actually going to school. How does "back-to-school time" make YOU feel? Check all that apply.

Who is going back to school in your family this year? How is he/she feeling?

Excited (57.1%)

Relieved (26.5%)

Nervous (34.7%)

Overwhelmed (28.5%)

Scared (12.2%)

Happy (26.5%)

Unsure (6.2%)

Other (leave a comment) (0.0%)

I don't think about back-to-school time any more (14.4%)

The beginning of the school year brings up a lot of emotions, and not just for the kids who are actually going to school. How does
  • Amberrs32380 By Amberrs32380
    on Aug 10, 2016  

    I love when my kids go back to school. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but during the summer they have way too much time on their hands.

  • sunny2581 By sunny2581
    on Aug 11, 2016  

    I love my kids but I love when school starts back after the summer break because they are too relaxed.