How will you spend your tax refund?

What exactly will you buy with your refund?

Buy something fun (20.0%)

Buy something I need (23.3%)

Pay bills (60.0%)

Invest it (3.3%)

Donate it (3.3%)

Save it (26.7%)

Apply it to next year's tax return (0.0%)

Other (leave a comment) (3.3%)

I will not be getting a tax refund this year (16.7%)

How will you spend your tax refund?
  • SuzSpks52 By SuzSpks52
    on Apr 15, 2016  

    My answer to the tax refund poll is grim, indeed. No, I will not be getting any tax refund, even though after completing my taxes, I was eligible for a refund of over $500. My ex-husband did our taxes in an underhanded way years ago, and now the IRS is convinced I should pay back, when I did nothing wrong but to trust my husband!!!!!!!

  • brandip1177 By brandip1177
    on Apr 17, 2016  

    Unfortunately I have the same problem as the lady has above me.