Mother's Day is Sunday, May 12. If you could choose your dream Mother's Day, who would you spend it with?

What would you want to do on your fantasy Mother's Day?

My kids (56.0%)

My mother (49.5%)

My other relatives (8.7%)

My friends (5.5%)

My self (17.6%)

Other (6.5%)

Mother's Day is Sunday, May 12. If you could choose your dream Mother's Day, who would you spend it with?
  • Bridgette_elmore By Bridgette_elmore
    on May 10, 2013  

    I haven't lived near my mom in over 8 years. My dream mothers day would be to pack my 15 month old up and drive her 3 hours down to my Mom's house. We would meet my aunts and my sisters. One is pregnant and one has a 3 year old. It makes me so happy just to think about it. I am sure we will plan a great multigeneration Mother's Day in the coming years.

  • Girlbaby423 By Girlbaby423
    on May 11, 2013  

    @ Bridgette_eimore I understand the feeling completely & I would love to spend Mother's Day with my family & my Mother. However we don't have a very good relationship & I wish that we could put aside our differences & have more of a Mother/Daughter relationship as well as a relationship with my children & husband. I hope one day that my dreams come true as well. Good Luck to you & I hope your dream comes true & works out for you. Happy Mother's Day!!