Uber Delivers Free Flu Shots For All

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Oct 28, 2016

If you don’t want to trudge all the way to your doctor’s office or local pharmacy, there’s a much more convenient way to get your flu shot this year without even having to leave the comfort of your home. The app based ride service Uber is offering free flu shots for those that live in one of the 15 participating cities.

Mashable reports about the free service now being offered in Uber’s health section, which can have up to 5 free flu shots delivered to your home. If you live in a particpating city, Uber will send a nurse from Passport Health out to your location in order to administer the flu shot for you and up to four other friends or family members. Not only will you receive the free shot, but it comes with a care package as well.

Offering flu-shot delivery is nothing new for Uber and has actually been part of their services for three years now. But this is the first year that the ride service is offering the shots free of charge. Uber’s health care advisor John Brownstein urges Uber-users to take advantage of the free service. He says, “Every year, the flu affects 20 percent of the population — but it doesn’t have to. Every person who receives a flu shot reduces the risk of others getting the flu by 50-60 percent. We can all fight this thing together.”

What do you think of the free flu shot delivery being offered by Uber this year?

Have you had your flu shot yet? Would you consider taking advantage of this service?

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dmosley16 by dmosley16 | OCEANA, WV
Nov 04, 2016

I think its a good idea but with all that stiff going on with UBER, would you take a flu shot from someone you don't know i personally have never used UBER so i don't have much to say about it just what i've heard

hope500 by hope500 | SUNNYVALE, CA
Nov 01, 2016

good initiative by uber