Spotlight on SheSpeaks Blogger - Sue Rodman of Field Trips with Sue

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Mar 20, 2014

Sue Rodman is the publisher of Field Trips with Sue, an award winning family travel blog about the Southeast and fun places to visit from the Southeast. She covers outings, day trips, weekend getaways and family vacations. She's written more than 1,000 posts and still loves it. Sue is also the mom of three boys, ranging in age from elementary through high school.  They are her favorite travel companions and she loves that they still want to travel with her and make connections with the places they visit, as well as each other.

Field Trips with Sue is a Nickelodeon Parent's Pick Winner, a Red Tricycle Best Family Travel Blog and a best blog nominee. She's been interviewed on Family Travel in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, The Northside Neighbor, Publix Magazine and on all three major networks. She also shares her knowledge as part of the Traveling Moms Network, Trekaroo, MiniTime, Travel Savvy Mom, Preferred Family Travel, Ciao Bambino and TripAdvisor. She has published stories on Explore Georgia, the website of Georiga Department of Economic Development and speaks regularly about family travel to mom's groups, church groups and more. She has also captured hundreds of trip ideas, inside information about must-see attractions and more in her popular book, 100 Free Things to do in Atlanta. We caught up with her to find out more about her life, and here is what we found out, in her own words.

$PullQuote$Where you can find me on social media: Twitter - Facebook - Google + - Pinterest - Instagram - YouTube

I live in…. Atlanta, GA.

My niche is…Family Travel.
I write... Whenever I get the chance, but I've started getting up early so I can get some in before I get the boys ready for school.
How has blogging changed your life? Wow, It's gotten me out of my bubble, not only because I write about family travel, but because I've come in contact with so many folks that are very different than me, yet in the end, very much like me. It's also opened up a ton of amazing opportunities and memories.
A brand you have loved working with? Nestle Skinny Cow. I did a campaign for them last summer and it was very well thought out. I'm still talking about it.
When did you start blogging? November 2008.
How do you see the future of blogging/social media? I think blogs are being integrated into advertising and PR campaigns more and more on the front end, rather than an afterthought. 
Where I work: At my kitchen table, but I'm hoping we'll be renovating soon and I'll get an office.
I am connected….Too often. This year I want to spend more time on in-person relationship. 
When I’m stressed, I….. Yell. Best to give me a lot of space when I'm stressed.
My favorite gadget is….I'm not really a gadget person, but I do spend far too much time on my iPhone.
My favorite travel destination is….Anywhere with my kids. They really are my favorite travel companions.
My favorite clothing brand is…Anything out of my price range. I swear I can go into the dollar store and find the one thing that is $10. I did buy a pair of Frye boots this summer that I adore.
I do all my shopping….I love Nordstroms. They have the most phenomenal customer service. I still tell folks about a shopping experience I had there over 10 years ago! But in reality, I'm at Target more often. See previous question. Champagne taste, beer pocketbook.
My favorite TV shows: Mad Men. White Collar. Nashville.
My favorite movie: Madagascar 2 - Hilarious.
Coffee or tea: Tea.
I love….Ice cream. Any kind really, but Breyer's mint chocolate chip is my favorite.
I dream about….Winning the lottery. Guess I should start playing. 
Where you can find my writing: Traveling Mom, Travel Savvy Mom, Trekaroo, MiniTime, Field Trips with Sue, Trip Advisor and soon Explore Georgia.
What else I do: Public Relations, Scheduler/Chauffeur/Cook/Housekeeper for three boys, watch lots of lacrosse games (my two oldest play).


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karonwarren by karonwarren | ELLIJAY, GA
Mar 20, 2014

Sue is awesome! Very friendly and always willing to help others!

suerodman by suerodman | ATLANTA, GA
Mar 20, 2014

Thanks Holly. Loved getting to know you too!

hollyshespeaks by hollyshespeaks | LARCHMONT, NY
Mar 20, 2014

I've loved getting to know you, Sue. You're a rock star.