One Man's Struggle With Google Glass Addiction

   By drodriguez  Oct 17, 2014

Internet addiction may sound like something many of us have to some extent, we can’t always keep our hands off our smartphones and may check our email or Facebook a little more than necessary. But one man’s need for browsing on Google Glass was so severe he ended up taking up residency in a rehab program to wean himself off the device. A new study reveals how devices that can be readily at our disposal 24/7 like Google Glass can be problematic for those who suffer with addiction problems.

CNN reports about the study that reveals the case of a 31 year old man who checked into the Navy’s Substance Abuse and Recovery Program to be treated for alcohol abuse and an addiction to Google Glass. San Diego doctors reveal that the man who has a history of substance abuse and depressive disorder also “exhibited significant frustration and irritability related to not being able to use his Google Glass.”

The patient was said to have spent 18 hours per day wearing the tech eyewear. He would wear the Google Glass both at home and work only taking them off to bathe and sleep. Doctors explain, “He reported that if he had been prevented from wearing the device while at work, he would become extremely irritable and argumentative.”

In order to browse the internet with Google Glass, the wearer of the glasses must tap a side panel near the temple. Doctors say that their patient repeatedly and inadvertently tapped his temple even when the device was not being worn throughout the 35-day residence in rehab.

Though the patient slowly began to become less irritable as he was weaned off the device, he would still experience dreams as if he was looking through the glass. The patient reported in the study that the withdrawals he experienced from Google Glass were much worse than his withdrawal symptoms from alcohol.

What do you think of this patient’s experience becoming addicted to Google Glass?

Do you think wearable tech devices like Google Glass pose a higher risk of developing unhealthy habits or addictions?

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